Um Sorry for my messy desk
Feel free to go through anything you want tho


The Aftermath

Immersive Theatre deviced by P:DP Stage 2 and 3
in The Crypt Gallery London

-Study of the Relic-
Here for idea, research and process behind my set design
-Survivor Log-
Here for idea, research and process behind my film

CASE-2250:The Aftermath is an immersive experience designed and devised by 2nd and 3rd year students from Central Saint Martins’ BA Performance: Design and Practice, showcasing their vision of a post-human apocalyptic world.

You have been recruited to take part in this highly confidential investigation in the Crypt, where a portal distorting the space-time continuum has ripped open. This portal leads you to an unknown future depicting the failure of humanity, catalysing new growth and mutation on Earth. As volunteers, you will be tasked to explore this unfamiliar biome to research and help us further this investigation on the sustainability of human livelihood.

Video by Mark Duffield; The entire walkthrough of CASE-2250:The Aftermath

About CASE-2250:The Aftermath

Catastrophic or cathartic

You weren’t sure how you end up here, and you probably didn’t know you would be exposed to a highly-contaminated environment. But it was all worth it, to witness this chaotic, daunting yet captivating spectacle of humanity’s aftermath.

This immersive theatre assembled a portal to the collective vision of a disastrous future failed by societies, which facilitated mutated growth of new realms, where you as volunteer store this fictional evidence to remind self our generation’s capability in augmenting the reality.